21480 County Road G40, Stryker, Ohio 43557
(419) 682-6577| jigraber@yahoo.com
40 Watt is the $40,00 sale-topping selection of Hoosier State/Graber/Harvey from the 2006 Fall Classic in Duncan, Okla. This stout and powerfully constructed son of After Darque has done an exceptional job siring power with correctness. He was recently named Premier Sire of the 2008 Winter Type Conference. Look out for the 40 Watt's this spring!
Watt Livestock and
Wintex Farms
Hoosier State Semen,
John Graber and
Todd Harvey
Premier Sire, 2008 Winter Type Conference
Hoosier State Semen Supply
(765) 468-3000